Not the biggest fan in watching movies in 3D but this was the best time we could watch it in. I was quite skeptical watching this movie because of how bad the previous Transformers movies (starring Mark Wahlberg) performed. This movie stepped back to basics as far inserting a good plot along into the storyline. Not every Transformers movie needs to just have destructive and explosive special effects to amuse modern day moviegoers. The movie works in large part because of the depth of Steinfeld’s performance. We haven’t seen such a well-realized character in any of the other Transformers movies. “Bumblebee” does hold up as a fun, family-appropriate movie on its own terms, and redeems its franchise in the process.

We did other activities throughout the week. Check out the video below!

Life Vlog | Episode 1 from Michael Serna on Vimeo.